Making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.

About Community Bible Study


This is a Women's Class
THU at 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM



2024-2025 Registration is now open!

To register: choose the "Register Now" button in the top right corner.

If you need any help with registration or 

For more info or any questions: "Email Us" below


Registration fee is $35/adult and $10/child

Currently Studying: Matthew

Join us as we are inspired to worship and challenged to live in watchful readiness for the Lord's return


Next Gen Ministry

Infant to 6th grade

Through a variety of activities such as Bible teaching, Scripture memory work, crafts, music, games and other activities, we seek to provide a nurturing environment where children can learn about Jesus' wonderful love for them. We also come alongside parents as they teach and train their children to live out God’s truths in their lives. We welcome your children to experience the love of Jesus through the loving servants in our CBS Children's Ministry.